Here's a few shots taken of two Little Rock streetcars on Friday, December 5, 2008 near the Clinton Presidential Library stop. Also shown are the former Rock Island-Choctaw Route passenger station, now part of the Clinton Library, and the unused Rock Island bridge over the Arkansas River.  There's also one shot of the Heifer International complex, next to the Clinton Library. Heifer International is a charitable organization that donates animals to many third-world countries so they can use them on their farms or sell them. Heifer International's  headquarters is a fully 'green' building, lit mostly by sun roofs and uses water collected and filtered from rainfall.

Central Arkansas Transit's streetcar 409 at the Clinton Library stop. The bridge straight ahead is the former Rock Island bridge over the Arkansas River. It's not being used for anything, but future plans call for it to become a pedestrian bridge. The building to the left is the former Rock Island-Choctaw Route train station. It's now the Clinton School of Public Service.

The building to the right of the Rock Island bridge is the main building of the Clinton Library. I've never been inside except to visit the restaurant back in 2004.

Changing the poles. The streetcars reverse direction here, going back to town and North Little Rock. This is a deadend track.

All streetcars are decorated for the season.

Rock Island's main Sunbelt Line ran just to the right of the Choctaw Station.

Heifer International headquarters.

Leaving westbound to downtown Little Rock.

Looking to the west along 3rd Street.

Streetcar 410 arrives at the stop a few minutes later.

From the inside.

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